Will and Natalie Adopt
Will and Natalie Adopt
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Natalie Birmingham is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hi! Our names are Will and Natalie and we are starting a fundraiser to help with our adoption journey! We have been married for a little over two years, and we have two adorable mini Australian shepherds. Will is a thermal engineer working with NASA on their “Artemis Program,” and Natalie is a proud housewife. Back in 2020, we decided we wanted to start growing our family and shortly after that decision, Natalie got pregnant. Unfortunately, we lost the baby which then accelerated Natalie’s endometriosis she didn’t know she had. After that she was diagnosed with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) and then was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. All of these things that need treatment stood in the way of us growing our family which was devastating. We prayed long and hard about what to do, and that’s when we found Quiver Full Adoption Agency. We always wanted to adopt one day, we even talked about it before we started dating. We didn’t originally plan to adopt for our first child, but now that God has opened our eyes to this wonderful opportunity, we are so excited to grow our family through adoption. After we read Quiver Full’s mission to ethically and Biblically help birth parents and adoptive parents, it was an easy decision to go with them.
However, the journey to adopt is an expensive one and we will need a fundraiser to help us grow our family and to provide us the opportunity to help an expecting mother out there who is experiencing a crisis. The funds donated will go 100% to our adoption which includes agency funds, hospital bills for the birth mom, legal fees, and specialty infant care.
We estimate that we will need a minimum of $35,000 (this is much cheaper than most adoption agencies). So far we have saved $20,000 of our own money and we have received another $5,000 in donations so we are almost there! This fundraiser is to help us pull together the remaining $10,000.
Any amount that you can offer us is an enormous blessing! A little goes a long way. If you are unable to donate, please consider praying for us and sharing our fundraiser to your friends and family. However you choose to support us, we can’t thank you enough.

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Natalie Birmingham is organizing this fundraiser.